• Let's Ride This Wave TOGETHER!



    Our community as a whole is navigating uncharted waters as our way of life continues to be threatened by COVID-19.  Let's Ride This Wave TOGETHER to ensure we are stronger as we reach the other side!  The City of Hastings, local businesses, our clinics and hospital and School District 200 are working hard to keep residents and visitors safe while providing quality service. 



    There are a few things the community can do together that will support a sustainable economic future while keeping our neighbors and loved ones safe.

  • ShopLocal_Raider.jpg


    • The money spent at a local business stays within the community.  It supports the employees of that business and it puts money towards important city services through tax revenue.  Keep your money local!
    • Small businesses have been greatly impacted by the pandemic.  The best way to help these family owned businesses is to purchase from them.
    • CLICK HERE to find a list of local businesses that could use your support.




    • The CDC recommends three simple things when avoiding the spread of COVID-19:  Wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance.


    • On July 25th, a state wide mask mandate went into effect for the state of Minnesota.  This means businesses are required to enforce masks indoors.  Customers can help a local business avoid large fines and stay open by following the mask mandate.


    • Many businesses are still working under capacity restrictions, limiting the number of customers they can serve.  This is not a sustainable business model.  By keeping safety precautions in mind, we can collectively limit the spread of COVID-19 and get our businesses back to business.


    • Our public schools are working under reopening guidelines that depend on the number of COVID-19 cases in each county.  Keeping the spread of COVID-19 down will keep our schools open and allow employees to be present at work.  Hastings School District 200 has created an innovative hybrid model that combines in-person class time and distance learning.  They are working hard to keep students & teachers safe while keeping students in school.  To find out more, visit Hastings School Districts website at www.hastings.k12.mn.us


    • When businesses are following safety protocols, it puts customers at ease, increasing the likelihood of a return visit.  You can help a local business have return business by following safety protocol and increasing consumer confidence.



    Hastings is working hard to give guests the same unique experience you would expect from a quaint river town while keeping visitors safe.  Below are a few examples the City of Hastings and local businesses have partnered on:

    • Business grants for safety items like cleaning supplies, PPE and signage.
    • Additional outdoor seating for restaurants.
    • Downtown weekend street closure to accommodate social distancing and outdoor live music.

    Inviting friends and family to safely experience Hastings provides an important boost to our local economy. 

    CLICK HERE to view multiple activities that are safe in the Hastings area.